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Scientific Poster Download

Poster modified on 20/02/2024

WuXi XDC’s Development Platforms Deliver Consistent & Scalable Conjugation Processes
Lin Yang, PhD, Xudong Dai, PhD, Shiwen Lin, PhD
Bio-Conjugation Process Development, WuXi XDC (Shanghai), Co. Ltd.

As more ADC modalities advance from the preclinical candidate (PCC) stage into the Chemistry Manufacturing Control (CMC) development stage, process development (PD) scientists inevitably face tremendous challenges such as the need for larger-scale and more consistent CMC processes. At the Bioconjugation Process Development (BCPD) department of XCD, experienced experts specialized in consistent and scalable conjugation and purification have delivered more than a hundred processes within aggressive timelines to support IND filing or to conduct process characterization (PC) activities for programs working towards a BLA submission. This poster will present case studies of the solutions established for challenging process development projects.


This scientific poster was originally presented during the 2024 World ADC Conference in London

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